Structure Lore

B-Class Hall Monitor Test Site

Before The Event there was no proper test site for B-Class Hall Monitors, so maze-like hallways were quickly constructed in selected H.I.V.E.s to test the new hall monitor prototypes.
The O.I. engineers requested the builders to leave behind their scaffolding and toolboxes (which contain building materials, tools and the builder's lunch) in order to test the B-Class Hall Monitor's ability to fit in tight spaces. The halls also provided an opportunity to test out the B-Class Hall Monitors ability to lay down blockades of barbwire.
After The Event these test sites still have B-Class Hall Monitors crawling around in them and are the best place for anyone wanting to encounter a B-Class Hall Monitor in action.

Bandit Hideout
(Jungle Temple)

Bandits, being humans themselves, needed some form of shelter in this hostile world. So using scrap metal found throughout the wastes, they built small hideouts scattered throughout the abandoned antenna facilities. Being the skeptical little buggers they are, they filled their new hideouts to the brim with traps and other nefarious devices to stop anyone from getting at their "hard earned" loot.
Over time, the prevalent vines and other plant life in the antenna facilities have covered the hideouts, making them harder to spot, much to the delight of the bandits that built them

Field lab

When one of the Masked has been coned and shunned from the village (the offense that he or she committed depends on the colour of the traffic cone) they tend to flee to the swamps and live a reclusive life inside one of these elveated labs over irridiated water. Thanks to the protective clothing the outcasts can tolerate the swamp's polluted landscape for a long time. The field labs were constructed after the Event to research the effects of the radiactive mon dust and its effects on the ecosystem. The original researchers have long since become part of the Lost, but their equipment, notes and chemistry books remained. This allows the Outcasts to practice a crude alchemy, and they get very excited when people trespass in their irradiated paradise because it finally gives them an opportunity to test out their latest deadly concoction on an unwilling test subject.

Drilling Rig
(Desert Temple)

Before the Event, these desert structures housed massive drills that bored into the earth in search of oil or other precious materials. The drills have long been either destroyed or salvaged, leaving the rigs open for bandits and all other sorts of things to make them their homes, but bandits, being who they are, like to put nefarious traps around their goodies stored away in the old drilling shaft.

Continuity of Government crate
Quote from Zombadger

Dear Journal

Hunt was successful. While skinning stonebacks noticed lights under the pines in distance. Investigated after securing area. Those old Continuity of Government crates, funny. I wonder what sort of world those poor souls were hoping to wake up to after all those years. The C/H.U.N.K.S were still loading, so caved in the faceplate of the cryotube and shoveled a few cubits of dirt into the frozen fog. Sound of suffocating person always disturbs me. Left useless firewood, cheap survival gear. Took Hydrozine and Iodine pills. Canned fruit. Was out of there before the choking and dying stopped.

Never stop being yourself. With warmest regards'Z